My Son Died in My Hands

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It was on a Sunday evening, the weather was too hot and dry. The house was boring since there was no light so I decided to take my children out to the garden for fun. When we got to the public garden in our estate, my 2 daughters and I felt like just sitting under the mango tree to admire the children playing in the garden while my 12 year old sonjoined his mates in playing soccer in the field.

About 1 hour after he left us, two of his mates ran towards us shouting that Charles my boy just fainted as he was playing football with them. I was confused and speechless for a while because I did not understand what they were talking about. My daughters immediately jumped up, screamed and started running back to the field with them; then it dawned on me what they just told us.
When we got to the field, we saw some couple of guys carrying my boy into a nearby car; truly my son was unconscious. I shouted for an explanation and I was told that he just slumped while running.
I quickly took my boy from them, looked into his eyes and saw death coming. His eyes and mouth were all opened but he remained motionless. I tried waking him up, shaking his head and shouting his name but all in vain.Then with my little experience, I checked for his pulse and it was very faint and irregular, I checked for breath sounds and there was almost none. I did not know what else to do, so we only cried and prayed as we rushed him to the hospital with his head on my thigh.
About 20 minutes later, we arrived at the nearest hospital where my precious boy was pronounced dead on arrival.
If I had known how to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), I’m sure i would have kept my boy alive till we got to the hospital and he would have been here with me today. If his friends playing the football with him had some knowledge of CPR as well, I’m also sure they would have saved his life before we got to the scene.
Many people think that Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and other First Aid skills are meant for medical professional alone (Doctors, Nurses, paramedicsetc). This notion is absolutely wrong as these are life-saving skills that should be possessed by every adult and teenager because almost on daily basis, people slump at homes, schools, offices, markets etc and die simply because the people around do not have the necessary Emergency medical care / First Aid skills required to resuscitate and keep them alive till they get to the nearest hospitals.
Golden Hour Medicsis here to help reduce the number of deaths as a result of inadequate First Aid care people receive immediately after an accident. Our CPR and First Aid training will enable you stay prepared in the event of any common medical emergency. Our team is made up of well trained and experienced Medical Doctors, Nurses, and Paramedics in Emergency Medical Services. 

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